Thing 2 - Create a blog to use during the project

For your next 23 Things assignment, you are going to sign up for a free blog account, select a template, and make your first blog post. Each week’s assignment from this point on will make use of your blog in some way, so there’s no time like the present to get started.

First, watch this short video by Davis Truss on why he blogs with students:

We’re going to be creating Blogger accounts, which are part of Google. Please do the following:
  • Go to
  • Click on the Create Your Blog Now orange arrow
  • Work through the account creation screen – you should already have a Google or Gmail account, so, use it by logging in to it first.
  • Give your blog a creative name and choose a website address - it will look something like ( - NOTICE - that web addresses do not have the @ sign in them.
  • Choose the template for your blog. You can change to a different template and customize your blog later if you choose.
Now - on your newly created blog - create your first post and title it 23 Things – The First Thing and then write a few lines about what you hope to learn through the 23 Things course, then publish your post.
Try out some of the editing and customization features in Blogger, using the tabs along the top of the window. Spend some time getting comfortable with using Blogger.

1: IMPORTANT: Send the web address of your new blog, your name and contact email to
2: Then - follow this link and fill out the short information form.

Once you fill out the form, we will know that you are off and running and the 23 Things staff will manually add you to the Participant Blog List on right side of the main 23Things page. Once we have your blog address, we will follow your posts on your blog and make comments where appropriate.

On to your Tasks:
1: Watch Blogs in Plain English at to learn about blogs.

2: Spend some time this week looking at other blogs, both education and non-education related. Try Moving Forward's List of Education Blogs or Technorati's list as a starting point.

3: Create your second blog post and answer these three questions:
  • What makes a good blog? 
  • How could a blogs enhance your existing school web site? 
  • Are blogs an easier way for people to self-publish?
4: In the same blog post, reflect on your initial thoughts about the Read/Write Web (aka Web 2.0) and its role in 21st Century teaching and learning. Review the video and reading in Thing 1 if you need.

5:  Did you remember to send the web address of your blog to, and fill out the information form

6: Make a point to familiarize yourself with the Blogger help pages.

7: Congratulations, you’re on your way.

[Note: Please remember to include THING# in the heading of your posts.]